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ABLEAmerica Celebrates 5th Anniversary


Life with a disability has its own challenges and rewards. For more than five years, ABLEAmerica has offered eligible individuals and their families a unique, tax-advantaged way save for qualified disability expenses.

ABLEAmerica is the nation’s only advisor-sold ABLE program. It appeals to savers who prefer to work with a knowledgeable and experienced financial professional. Their expert advice can help you build a comprehensive plan that meets your specific needs.

ABLEAmerica is a partnership with Capital Group, home of American Funds, one of the oldest and largest mutual fund companies in the country. Both the advisor-sold ABLEAmerica program and the direct-sold ABLEnow program are sponsored by the Commonwealth of Virginia and open to eligible individuals in all 50 states.

Contact your financial professional for more information on ABLEAmerica, or visit

Updated August 2023

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