ABLEnow Commercials Star Real Customers The latest ABLEnow commercials highlight the many abilities of customers, including their ability to save and invest for the future with their ABLEnow account. The four new spots offer a glimpse into why thousands of eligible individuals with disabilities have opened an account in ABLEnow’s first five years. Allison’s spot focuses on her ability to save for a wide variety of qualified disability expenses. Allison currently uses her ABLEnow account to help pay for her college classes to become an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter. When she’s not studying, Allison enjoys playing wheelchair basketball and teaching tricks to her cat. Anise’s spot shares that ABLEnow allows her to save without jeopardizing her eligibility for certain disability benefits. A talented artist, Anise’s colorful art reflects her desire for all individuals with disabilities to find a place to be accepted. She has sold her art to family, friends and through community art shows. Richard’s spot highlights his ability to invest for the future with ABLEnow. He is a tireless advocate who leads the United Spinal Association of Virginia. His ability to save in his tax-advantaged ABLEnow account provides him with funds to live independently with his new service dog. Taylor’s spot shares that ABLEnow contributions from family and friends provide financial support for her future dreams. Taylor is an active 13-year-old with many interests and talents, including swimming, ice skating, piano, and dance. The commercials demonstrate the diversity of ABLEnow customers and how they use their accounts. Millions of eligible Americans with disabilities have not yet opened an ABLE account and may not even know about this important financial tool. ABLEnow customers are invited to share how the program is making an impact at Eligible individuals can open an ABLEnow account today. Featured customers are compensated representatives for the ABLEnow program. Their experience may not be representative of other account owners.
January 2025 ABLEnow Form Updates ABLEnow has streamlined some popular forms based on customer feedback.